The essay exhorts women to cast off their servitude to husbands and priests 该文劝告女性不要再对丈夫和牧师低三下四。
There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief, as if a great burden had been cast off. 有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。
He cast off, heading out to the bay. 他解开缆绳,往海湾驶去。
By 09.30 we had cast off and were heading down-river. 9点30分时我们就解缆向下游出发了。
The fisherman cast off the rope and set the boat adrift. 渔夫解开缆绳,让船飘流而去。
Let's cast off the rope and free the boat. 让我们解缆开船。
Be careful not to cast off ( or bind off) too tightly. 注意收口儿别太紧。
He cast off fear and decided to make a try. 他摆脱害怕心理,决定试一试。
Now that the warmer weather has come, we can cast off our winter clothing. 既然天气已转暖,我们可以脱掉冬装了。
It's about time you cast off that feeling of gloom and began to enjoy yourself. 该是你摆脱忧愁的情绪,开始快活的时候了。
As soon as the bell rang, the captain gave orders to cast off, and the voyage began. 铃一响,船长下令解缆,航行就开始了。
I will cast off my home when I work. 当我工作时我将摆脱我的家。
How can ability cast off fear and uneasy mood? 怎么样才能摆脱恐惧和不安的情绪?
The millionaire cast off his daughter when she married a poor young man. 当那个百万富翁的女儿嫁给一个穷小子时,他断绝了和女儿的关系。
Snakes cast off and renew their skins. 蛇脱了皮,又再长出皮来。
The men cast off their packs, withdrew their ponchos and set up their pup tents again. 大家扔下了背包,取出了雨披,把小帐篷重又架了起来。
The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him. 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。
Why can't I cast off sentiment? 为什么我不能摆脱世俗的情感?
She's cast off three boy-friends in a month. 她一个月里就甩了叁个男朋友。
They cast off their shoes and ran along the beach. 他们脱了鞋在沙滩上奔跑。
Having cast off, she put down her needles. 收针完毕后,她放下了针。
As the spring has come, we can cast off our heavy winter clothes. 春天到了,我们可以不穿冬衣了。
She had first choice of the clothing cast off by Miss Julia and Miss Clara. 朱丽亚小姐和克拉拉小姐穿旧了的衣服她可以优先选用。
He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho. The men cast off their packs, withdrew their ponchos and set up their pup tents again. 他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。大家扔下了背包,取出了雨披,把小帐篷重又架了起来。
He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task. 他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。
But he fails to cast off the deep sorrow because of his deep love for Maggie. 但是他对玛姬的爱太深了,他拼尽了全身所有的力量,还是深陷悲哀,无法自拔。
Cast off by the one we care about the most. 都被我们最关心的人给遗忘了。
Mr Berger cast off his daughter when she married against his wishes. 伯杰先生的女儿违背父亲结婚后,伯杰先生就和她断绝了关系。
I cast off my glasses for presbyopia. 戴了多年的老花眼镜都丢掉不用了;